
15 11, 2014

Thinking about all things Thanksgiving

By |2023-02-06T23:47:05+00:00November 15, 2014|Thanksgiving|Comments Off on Thinking about all things Thanksgiving

But it's hard, because I'm being bombarded by Christmas. Songs, decorations, advertising, everything. I love the holidays, each, in order, but lately, it feels as if Thanksgiving is being completely squeezed out. So, I hope you'll join me in a little crusade to think about Thanksgiving. It's time for an attitude of gratitude. So between now, and Turkey Day, try to be extra thankful for everything in your life. Start with you. Look at yourself in the mirror, and smile. Be thankful for the person looking back at you. Extend your thanks to your friends and family.  Tell someone you love that you do. Do it now. You know all of those people who make your life a little easier everyday? Tell them thanks. Look them in the eye and mean it. Have you volunteered lately? Directly helping another human being who you don't know, [...]

26 08, 2011

Real You: Thank you!

By |2023-02-07T00:08:54+00:00August 26, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Thank you!

Because of the amazing support of friends - new and old; online and off - Here, Home, Hope is in its second printing! To each of you who've read my novel - or my short story A Mother's Day - a sincere, heartfelt thank you for your support. You are making my dreams come true. I hope I've given you some entertainment and inspiration in exchange!       Somedays, in this writing life, it gets to be a bit lonely. And then, I'll post something on my Facebook fan page, and several of you will respond. Yippee!! I'm not alone! Thanks for being there. (Oh, and if you aren't following me there, feel free to hop on over to Kaira Rouda Books.) You may not realize it, but it means the world to me that you are there.

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