

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

And the White House is no exception. Last year was my first chance to experience the Executive Mansion decked out for the season and it was spectacular. No matter your politics, it’s important to note that for florists and designers across the country, the chance to be selected to decorate one of the rooms is a career highlight. Of course, the California tree was my favorite!! So as you go about your day, stop to [...]

By |December 16, 2019|

Thanksgiving was so wonderful. I hope yours was, too!

I know, we’re into December and a couple other big holidays are on the horizon, but I just wanted to do a shout out to my favorite reason to gather the family together: Thanksgiving. I am so blessed to have all four kids living near me, and able to come home and spend the holiday with us. I know, I’ve heard it from plenty of others, that it gets increasingly complicated once there are husbands [...]

By |December 9, 2019|

DC days. And now, it’s cold

Sure, Southern California has perfect weather. So why, you may ask, are you in Washington, DC when it’s gearing up for winter? Good question. The answer is, of course, I like to be with my husband and his new job finds him in DC quite often. Also, there are so many fabulous INDOOR things to do in this wonderful American treasure that I can almost pretend like it’s fine outside. Our apartment is in this [...]

By |December 2, 2019|

Wildfires and Creative Sparks

It’s Santa Ana wind and wildfire season out here in California and I must admit, it’s terrifying. My home burned down when I was in high school. The fire started early in the morning and my whole family was asleep inside at the time. I’ve always been afraid of fire–but now, with these catastrophic episodes igniting all around me, it’s a whole new level. I very much feel for all who have been in these [...]

By |November 25, 2019|

Fierce female crime writers bonding: Bouchercon 2019 is in the books!

Never heard of the mystery writers’ conference? That’s OK, I hadn’t either until two years ago when BEST DAY EVER launched and my publisher sent me to this event in Toronto. I’ve been hooked ever since. At Toronto two years ago, and this year in Dallas, I had the chance to meet and visit with the most wonderful women writing crime novels. Of course, yes, there are great male authors there, too, but for me, [...]

By |November 18, 2019|

A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend, and writing partner!

Mothers and daughters have such a special bond. And that’s the case with my daughter, Avery, and I. As a bonus, my daughter is a writer, too. She’s a screenwriter to be exact and that comes in so handy when your book-to-film agent asks if you would be interested in adapting THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER. Why no, that though terrifies me. But with my daughter’s encouragement, we said yes and the result was a wonderful experience [...]

By |November 11, 2019|
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